Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Too much, too many...

Is that even possible? To have too much of something, or too many? Well, in the recent weeks, I have learned that it IS. There I was, just going about my everyday life, being a wife & mom, homeschooling my kids, staying busy with church stuff, keeping up with my Facebook (and everyone else's), cleaning my house, paying the bills, and everything else in between. I felt like I was doing "good". My house was clean, my kids were fed, everything was getting done...or so I thought. Then one morning I was reading my Bible and came across this verse: "Too much activity gives you restless dreams; too many words make you a fool" Ecclesiastes 5:3. For some reason, that verse just smacked me right in the face. As I tried to understand how this verse applied to me, I kept telling myself, "You are doing good...everything is fine", but it wasn't. After spending some time in prayer, I suddenly realized, I had been unintentionally wasting precious time. While I WAS getting everything done, I was missing out on special little moments.  The sad thing is, I’m not even sure what I was missing!

I was finding myself getting engrossed in other people’s lives to the point that I was missing little moments in my own life and the lives of my kids.  I decided I needed to get some rest.  And by rest, I don’t mean physically (although naps are always a plus!). I needed to take a rest from things that was stealing my focus, things like Facebook, my Kindle, my Laptop….I needed to take a rest, so that I could awaken to the things that were right in front of me – my husband & my kids! While, I was by no means neglecting them, I wasn’t being as attentive as I knew I should be.  I started thinking about the times my kids would come up to talk to me and I would tell them “hold on, I’m reading something…”  UGH!  I never want to me a mom who puts my kids on “hold”. So, I’ve been taking some time to rest, to re-focus, re-prioritize, to be quiet, and listen.  There will always be things in life that try to steal your focus, it’s how we choose to respond to those things that really matters.  Here are my little attention getters J


  1. Love it! There are so many times I wish I could have a re-do when it comes to the years when my children were young. There are so many things I would do differently. I think you are an awesome MOM and it is amazing all the things that you do. I think I need to be taking all my time right now and digging into the word and see what God reveals to me. Thanks for the eye opener.

  2. just so you know... you are awesome! I LOVE that you can listen and discern God's voice and that you obey it with JOY. Making the most of who GOD wants you to be EVERYDAY in the COMMON and EVERYDAY tasks in our lives is anything but "common and everyday" ... take this time and know your friends will miss your imput in their lives on an everyday FB connection...but we get it. and we support it.! :) YOu are pretty amazing... kinda like that little cute knitted sharky you made..and kinda like the smile you shine on the youth at church ... and kinda like the impact you have on your kids, and the support you give as a wife... and kinda like the love and kindness you show your friends... yeah. I said it . and I mean it ... you are a beautiful person. ... Kinda like that little cute knitted sharky you made...and kinda like the smile ou shine on the youth at church.. and kinda like.... LOL get it??? YOU are amazing and beautiful and your example is that of the Proverbs 31 woman. Thank you for that. And stay encouraged that you are pouring into people ,what will never be wasted! Love you girl!
