Friday, January 18, 2013

100 Days of School!

Today marked the completion of 100 days of school for us this year! As most people know, I homeschool my kids.  This is my 3rd year, and I find myself loving it more & more each year! Jaxon is in Kindergarten this year, and Zoe is in 2nd grade.  Today we finished lesson 100 and decided to be a little silly with it.  Two of their friends came over and did school with us. Then I took some pictures, and they decorated a frame to put one of them in. They counted out 100 stickers and put them all over the frames (100 stickers = 100 days).  Overall it was a good day! Nothing too crazy this year. Here are the pictures:

Alexa(6), Zoe (7& super tall!), Xandrie(7), & Jaxon(5)




I am truly blessed.  For so MANY reasons, but one is that I am able to homeschool my children.  Since Zoe was born I have been a stay-at-home mom.  That’s 7 years of blessings right there!  I know some women don’t have the privilege of staying home, so I know this is precious time, not to be taken for granted!

Although my kids are no longer babies, one of my favorite poems is called “Babies don’t keep” by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton.  The last stanza says:

“The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.”

I pray that I never take for granted the time I get to spend with them each day - teaching them to be not only book smart, but teaching them about Jesus and how to love others. What a blessing it is….

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