Monday, January 28, 2013

MY tried & true home remedies!

My quest for ways to heal myself (and my family) naturally, started years ago when my mom passed away from cancer.  I knew in my heart that God put things on this earth, that HE created, that can heal our bodies, without resorting to medicine. So, I made up my mind to find those ways; and I thought I would share a FEW of those “remedies” with you (including pictures)!  I have used each of the things I am about to show you myself and so has my family.  While it may take a bit longer to see results from nature, if you stick with it, you WILL see results. I will also give some product info at the very end. 

#1 Sore throat remedy: While there are several options for killing bacteria in the throat, (hydrogen peroxide, salt water, etc) THIS is my favorite! 1/4 cup of purified water, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp honey.   Mix together in a small cup and gargle several times a day until relieved.  You can even swallow the mixture if you don’t feel like it is getting far enough back in your throat.  Do not rinse with water. And do not eat or drink for at least 15 min after using.


#2 Purifying Face Mask: I found this one not too long ago, but it quickly became my FAVORITE face treatment yet! I have very sensitive/allergic skin and this doesn’t bother me at all.  I struggle with acne and have found this to be very effective. 1 TBS honey, 1 tsp cinnamon (might have to play with the amts). Mix together in a small bowl (with a lid so that you can use again) until a “paste” is formed.  It needs to be thick enough to stay on your face and not run off.  The only “problem” with this mask is that you must leave it on for about an hour to see results.  I have found that the easiest thing to do to pass time is just watch a show on TV while I wait :)  When you rinse with warm water, you will notice an exfoliating effect (the cinnamon).  Pat dry and moisturize as you normally would.


#3 Amazing Moisturizer: I have found Coconut Oil to be one of the best skin moisturizers out there!  Not only does the skin just soak it up, but it coconut oil also kill bacteria on the skin (which is great for acne prone skin).  A little goes a long way.  The skin should “soak it up” in about 5 minutes, but if you still feel oily, just wipe off excess with a soft tissue.


#4 Hair/Scalp purifier: This is super easy.  Makes scalp squeaky clean and hair super shiny! Just add a quarter amt of baking soda (any brand will do) to your favorite shampoo.  Wash as you normally would (concentrating mainly on the scalp) and rinse.  If you condition afterwards, only condition the END of your hair.  I actually get compliments on how shiny my hair is every time I do this.


#5 Pink eye relief: I know, this one if a rarely needed remedy but it works so I thought I’d share! If you develop and eye infection (symptoms being drainage, crusting, redness, itching…) Mix 1 TBS of organic milk, with 1/2 tsp honey and put it in a baby syringe or eye dropper.  Use 2 drops per eye about every 2 hours until relieved.  I do have to say, this burns when you first put it in but it worked for me in 1 day…even quicker than the drops you can have prescribed!  The honey kills the bacteria and the milk soothes the itching and redness. 


Product info: 

Honey- Raw, LOCAL honey is a MUST.  The stuff you buy at the store just isn’t gonna cut it…seriously.  Invest in some good, raw, local honey! 

Vinegar – Must be raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.  I have found the brand “Braggs” to be the best.  You can purchase Braggs Vinegar at Kroger.

Coconut Oil – This can be a bit pricey, so I have found the best place to buy it is online at  I purchase a lot of things from them and they have great deals on their brand name products!

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