Friday, January 18, 2013

I am right where I belong!!

Wow. So I blogged earlier today about our cute little 100th day of school, unaware of what God had planned for my evening….

Let me start with a short back-story.  Zoe just learned in her Bible class about the story of the Good Samaritan.  If you aren’t familiar, it’s a story of a beaten man, laying on the side of the road. A couple of people passed by, but wouldn’t help the man.  They were either “too busy” or “too holy” to stop and help.  Finally a despised Samaritan came along and showed the man compassion and mercy.  He nursed him back to health…as I’ve been praying with Zoe at night, I’ve been actually praying that God would give us a real life “good Samaritan" story so that my kids could see that story and play a part in it themselves.  

Tonight, He did!

As I was getting myself and my kids ready to go meet Kory at church, I decided to grab a piece of Dove chocolate on my way out.  The inside of the wrapper said “You are right where you belong”.  (remember that – it will make sense later) I didn’t think much about it as I ran out the door.

As I was driving down the road I saw a woman walking wearing only jeans and a tank top.  No coat. No shoes! I almost kept driving, but when I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw her trying to keep herself warm with her arms crossed in front of her.  I immediately knew I HAD to stop.  I pulled over and she ran over to my car and got right in! Her first words were “I just got out of jail” (not the first words you want to hear from someone who just got in your car with your kids). Then she said “I can’t believe you were right where I needed someone to be”.  As I drove the 20 min drive to take her home, she told me her story. She had a 4 month old baby she was trying to get home to.  She talked, I listened…then offered her some encouraging words. 

As I headed to the meeting (now 30 min late), I turned up my worship CD and the song that was playing was Jesus Culture “Show me Your glory”. (I will post the song at the bottom of this post so you can listen if you’d like).  The main part that stood out to me was the line that said “long to stay in your presence, it's WHERE I BELONG”! 

Everything was pointing to that phrase….what does all this mean you might be asking?  When Kory and I made the move to Troy, MO we had no idea why at the time. But since we moved here I have realized that I am EXACTLY where I am supposed to be.  Whether I am serving at our church, counseling couples, or just helping people on the street, I truly believe THIS is where I belong.  God has us here for a purpose, and I am a loving every single minute of it!!!!!

Click here to listen to the song "Show me Your glory"

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your heart! We have tooo many fears (aka escuses) in our world today to NOT stop and help the poor, the needy, the "just got out of jail" bird! (lol) that we almost "purpose" NOT to be the hands and feet of Jesus. So glad to call you friend! God has been speaking to me lately about living with INTENTION. I know you're not on facebook now, so you've not been seeing these posts... but it's about living each day, "on purpose, for God" ... Being INTENT and seeking something in each day is that is out of my comfort zone... So blessed. And I know your kids are blessed to have you as their mom and teacher! It is so cool when we see God answer our prayers .. like being the good samaritian! wow. awesome
