Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy Spring…Happy Every Little Thing!

Warmer weather = gardening!!  I have been chomping at the bit, waiting to get outside and start working in my yard!  We went to church in the morning and then the kids and I went and grabbed some McDonalds (not a place I normally take them, but I let them choose today).  We had a picnic outside on the driveway, which makes me laugh because we have nice picnic tables in the back, but again, their choice :)

2013-04-14 12.43.06

SAMSUNG            Jaxon enjoying the sunshine :)

Then, we moved on to weed pulling – Zoe was an amazing helper!!

2013-04-14 13.10.28  She was determined!

One thing I LOVED about our time together today was how Zoe kept relating everything we were doing to God or the Bible. Right after she got this weed out, she said “These weeds remind me of sin! We gotta get them out, just like we gotta get sin out of our lives!” And then she said “The pretty flowers remind me of Jesus and how he makes us when He forgives us.”  I just love her!

Jaxon helped me too, but he didn’t last as long with the weed pulling.  He just wanted to do the planting.

2013-04-14 13.33.00

Here’s a few more pictures from our time together:

2013-04-14 13.29.26

2013-04-14 14.58.02

2013-04-14 17.12.19 All finished! Whew! That was a lot of work!

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