Monday, March 11, 2013

Women of Faith Conference

I had the privilege of going with a group of ladies from my church to the Women of Faith Conference!  We got to hear two awesome women speak.
women of faith sign
First, the hilariously entertaining but down-to-earth Patsy Clairmont:
and the amazingly passionate Sheila Walsh
They both had completely different approaches to sharing God’s word with us, but I enjoyed both very much. 
We also got to join in worship with the group “Selah”.

I felt like sharing a few things I took away from the conference:
Sheila talked to us about conviction vs. condemnation. Conviction brings you closer to Christ, while condemnation pushed you away. She talked to us about the woman in the Bible with the 12 year long bleeding issue (Mark 5:24-34) and how God healed her.  The woman wanted to be healed, but God wanted to make her whole! She said “Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God.”  I really like that…
Patsy told us that emotions don’t have brains. :) And talked about how we can’t let our emotions control us.  She said the word NO is a complete sentence! She talked to us about taking our thoughts captive and making them pleasing to God.  We are to use our tongue to speak LIFE, and not death…
I’d say one of the biggest things I took from the conference is the fact that you never know who is taking notes on your life. 
It was a great weekend.  Here are a couple of photos of our group :)
women of faith day 1 Day#1
women of faith day 2 Day#2

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