Friday, October 8, 2021

Have you been "pinkwashed"?

It's October, and as always, pink ribbons are everywhere.  My mother died of metastatic breast cancer (the only kind of breast cancer that kills). Throughout her battle with cancer, she participated in the "relay for life", donated to the American Cancer Society, and even wore a pink ribbon pin, all because she thought it was helping to "find a cure". I used to donate to a couple of  "breast cancer research" organizations myself, because it just seemed like the right thing to do.  Today however, I don't even own a single pink ribbon. Want to know why? It's been said, "Once you know better, you do better". 

Have you ever honestly looked into where the money for the pink ribbon merchandise goes?? 

Did you know that some of the most well known organizations that raise money for "breast cancer research" turn around and donate large amounts of money to Planned Parenthood?  Do you know WHY they donate to them?  Let me just tell you it's not to pay for mammograms or for prevention like they might say. Do the research.  The information is there, you just have to look. But remember, "Those who seek the truth run the risk of finding it." 

Another issue with "pinktober", is the fact that so many of the companies and organizations making money from the pink ribbons on their merchandise, are literally selling cancer-causing POISON.  Look around and you will see pink ribbons on everything from junk food to cleaning products. For more information about that, click HERE

I'm writing this to make people aware of the other side of the pink ribbon movement. If an organization really wanted to "cure" breast cancer, they would be putting their money toward learning and teaching women about PREVENTION! Early detection is good, but what if we learned how to prevent cancer from forming in the first place? What if we learned how to live a healthy lifestyle with the things God gave us, and how to avoid toxic chemicals (that are known carcinogens!) in so many of the products we buy? I don't know about you, but I'd rather give my money to that! 

Can we prevent all types of cancer?  Of course not. Unfortunately, it's part of living in a fallen world. But, we will never cure breast cancer by wearing pink socks or buying cute pink ribbons. We wont cure any cancer that way.   

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