Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bold Voices

I believe that God has given all of us a voice.  Sometimes though, our voices get silenced - sometimes by outside influences beyond our control, or sometimes by our own doing.  In the past, I allowed MY voice to be stifled by others, dictating what was and was not "acceptable" for me to say or do.  My once confident, bold voice, slowly transformed into nothing more than a whisper. 

I have since been reminded that God did not create me to be a silent bystander.  He created me with the boldness and courage needed to defend the weak, to speak out against injustices, and to even ruffle some feathers if needed, by courageously confronting issues no one else will address.  I wasn't created with a voice just to sit idly by and neither were YOU!  We were created to speak out! To stand up! To be a voice of reason! To speak the truth to a world in need of it! I know I am here to make a difference during my time here on earth, but using the voice God gave me.  This verse gave me a extra "push" today to take back my confidence and find my voice again:

"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions." - Proverbs 28:1

Be bold, friends! It's time to pull the tape off of our mouths. If you don't use your voice, someone else will use theirs, and it may not be to speak what the hurting world needs to hear....

1 comment:

  1. Amen yes they do and yes I do want to be bold for God and when I walk thru the fire I know Jesus walks with me my age has come my time is short I must speak up boldly This is my prayer.
