Friday, January 3, 2014

A year’s worth of “hurry”

Certain personality types require every minute to be accounted for.  One might feel the need to constantly be checking things off a “to do” list, or feel an urgency to immediately give an account to the electronic world by instantly answering texts, emails, social media alerts.  This past year I found myself falling into that trap – the trap of distractions. 

I found myself constantly rushing everyone (especially my children).  I caught myself saying things like:

“hurry up and eat”

“why must you take so long getting dressed?”

“hurry up and get in the car, we’re going to be late!”

With my personality type, I find it necessary to be on time and have every aspect of my life in order.  The only problem is, it’s not just me that lives in my house.  I have been blessed with family members who live life a bit more “leisurely” than I do. This is especially true for my 8 year old daughter, who at times I feel purposefully moves in slow motion just to see how I will react.  This past year I found myself getting very frustrated when things weren’t moving along in the time frame that I felt they needed to. 

One day recently, my kids and I were driving home from visiting some family we hadn’t seen in quite awhile, when I had an overwhelming “God experience” in the car.  I was suddenly driving at the exact time that God had decided to paint the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen.  My kids were happy in the backseat, playing their games, when I told them to turn them off and look at artwork around them.  I explained to them how God took the time to paint the sky just for us!  They were amazed.  It seemed like the “painting” kept changing minute by minute.  I handed my phone back to my daughter and had her snap some photos of the beauty.  I know that the pictures don’t do it justice, but at least you will get an idea of what we were seeing on the drive home that evening:

2013-12-28 16.47.52 2013-12-28 16.53.05

 2013-12-28 17.03.06 2013-12-28 17.05.03

Somehow through watching that sunset, God reminded me of the importance of the PEOPLE He has placed in my life and that they deserve my focus more than all of the other things that fight for my attention.  I still believe it is important to be reliable, & on time for things, however I have learned that people won’t always be there. I have had a substantial amount of loss in my life, so it’s interesting to me how easy it is to still lose focus on what truly matters. 

So, while I could list all of the things I would like to do differently this year, I want my focus to instead to be on the people that I hold so dear to me.  In 2014, I resolve to slow down, let my kids take an extra minute or two (because in reality that’s all it every really is), and just live…in every moment of every day.  I know what they say is true, kids grow up so fast.  I’m already seeing that in my own two.  I want to hold on to these moments I have with them as long as I can; and this year, I refuse to let the busyness of schedules and my own agenda get in the way of experiencing each blessing God has for us, whether big or small! Speaking of blessings….here are the ones that I hold dearest to my heart.  Of course there are others, but these are the ones that have been with me through life’s ups and downs…

2013-10-21 18.55.28 My two B-E-A-U-tiful kids

2014-01-01 00.02.29   The most PATIENT man I know, my sweet husband

dad and janet My dad & step mom who have always been willing to rearrange their own schedules just to spend time with us. And when they are with my children, they help to affirm what Kory and I are teaching them at home about God and life.   

This year, I will live in the moment….

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