Monday, August 12, 2013

A new beginning!

A week ago today, on August 5th, we began a new school year!  Jaxon started 1st grade, and Zoe started 3rd. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by!

On the first day, Kory and I prayed together with the kids for their day, and for the year we were about to enter.  Kory asked them what they wanted to do differently this year.  Zoe said that she wants to try harder.  Such a simple answer, but such a good one!  I think we can all agree that we need to try harder at times.  I know sometimes being a stay-at-home mom can become mundane. It’s easy to feel like the grass might be greener on the outside of the home. It is my prayer that I will TRY HARDER this school year to be a better teacher, mom, wife, and woman! To stay focused.  To spend more time in the Word and in prayer. To keep my eyes on the big picture - to raise these amazing kids and teach them all they need to know to function on their own.  And most importantly, to know and love God!

Here are some pictures highlighting our first day:

IMG_0851 Happy Breakfast!

IMG_0863 Jaxon (6) Zoe (8)


Looking forward to what this year will bring!

Happy Homeschooling!

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