The list of excuses just go on and on.
Excuses people give to avoid DOING something.
I’ve seen countless people post things on social media about the current situation in Ferguson, people who haven’t even ever BEEN to Ferguson, let alone been there during this time of civil unrest.
I’m not going to give my opinion on the matter of the shooting, because I personally wasn't there. No one reading this blog was either.
Here’s the thing. I grew up in Ferguson. Lived there for 28 years. So yeah, I might have different feelings about this situation than someone who has never grown up in a neighborhood like I did. Today my family (even our 9 & 7 year old) went back to Ferguson. The same area that you see on TV. Yup, the same streets. Why? Because there is a need. We went there to pick up trash and to be a positive presence on the street. We encountered business owners, store workers, protestors, and other locals while we were there. I can tell you that every single person we spoke to, was kind, spoke of peace, and thanked us (even hugged us) for being there. There was even a car driving down the street that stopped and gave us bottles of water. I was even interviewed on camera by an MSNBC reporter, just trying to report the good happening in the area (because there IS good happening). All this was taking place while people lined the streets in peaceful, daytime protest. Here are some pictures from our time there:
Now that night has fallen, things have changed once again. There is more civil unrest as there has been for the past week.
As I sit here in my “safe” house, in my “safe” neighborhood, I can’t help but feel “unrest” myself. I am feeling so many emotions right now. Feelings of sadness, disappointment, frustration….but at the same time, I have feelings of love, thankfulness, and compassion.
“Be careful!” they say….when people hear of other doing something a little “risky”. I’m pretty sure we aren’t called to “careful” lives. This is why I re-named by blog. I’m calling it Recklessly Losing Control. Why? Because God does not call us to sit in our safe homes and do nothing. When we know of a need, we should do everything we can to meet it. And I’m not just talking about Ferguson, there are needs in every community. But in order to meet the needs of others, we have to first deny ourselves and our own wants. We have to love others RECKLESSLY. What I know for sure is – THIS LIFE IS NOT ABOUT US. We are here to love God, and love people (know God and make Him known). THAT’S IT. It’s not about our comfort. It’s not about our wants. It’s not even about our safety. It’s about HIM and what HE wants us to do, no matter how uncomfortable it might make us.
We have to LOSE CONTROL…..give up. Surrender to HIS perfect will. That might mean leaving your “safe” place, and going into a neighborhood that makes you feel a little uncomfortable in order to show God’s love.
My daughter was singing a song today that she learned in school (which was so appropriate given what we did today). These are the lyrics:
Do you know, Oh Christian, you’re a sermon in shoes? Do you know, Oh Christian, you’re a sermon in shoes? Jesus calls upon you, to spread the gospel news,
So walk it, and talk it.
Live it, and give it.
Teach it, and preach it.
Know it, and show it.
A Sermon in Shoes.
Yeah, it’s a kid’s song, but to me it has a lot of meaning today. People can see Christ in us just by the way we walk, talk, live, & give….
All I did today was sweep up some trash. It didn’t cost me anything except my time. But I believe people were able to see God’s love just by my family SERVING their neighborhood. I didn’t even have to say a word.
My challenge to you – LOSE CONTROL
Ask God what you can do to serve Him and serve others. And then when He shows you something, DO IT. Don’t list all the excuses….just obey. Get outside of your comfort zone. There are people hurting…everywhere….from all walks of life. They are all seeking love. Let’s put our love into ACTION.